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About me

User experience designer based in Düsseldorf, Germany, passionate about interaction and design. Currently giving my best as a Product Designer for trivago (Apps).


Over my 7+ years of professional career, I've navigated various design processes and completed dozens of projects in product design, interaction design, visual design, user-centered design, design accessibility, usability design, and more, all closely related to this niche.


Don't hesitate to reach out – let's grab a coffee and chat! Email:

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Biking, Photography and Travel

Here are a few snapshots from my Instagram that can give you a glimpse of how I connect with people through my hobbies. I'm passionate about biking and have done quite a few bike-packing tours, and I've always had a keen interest in photography, not just during those trips. When I'm at home, you'll find me honing my piano skills or enjoying a meal with friends.

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